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<item><title><![CDATA[The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler]]></title><description><![CDATA[Want to make a living from travel blogging? First you'll need to decide on your niche. Discover Whop's guide of great travel blog ideas to find inspiration. ]]></description><link></link><guid isPermaLink="false">66e79811eb8e8a0001531304</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Rob Truslove]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 16 Sep 2024 18:43:17 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler"><p>The travel blog niche has skyrocketed in recent years. It&#x2019;s no secret that people love to travel, and visiting new destinations provides opportunities to meet people, taste exotic flavors, and see breathtaking landscapes and cities.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>But everyone needs a bit of inspiration. That&#x2019;s where travel blogs come in. From the essential equipment for backpacking to the best Tokyo hotels, travelers need advice before they set out on their journey.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>With determination and a solid <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>blog niche</u></a>, travel blogging can be very lucrative. If you love travel and dream of being a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>digital nomad</u></a>, this could be the online business idea for you.</p><p>Stuck on what your travel blog should focus on?</p><p>In this post, we&#x2019;ll take you through the <strong>best travel blog ideas for every kind of traveler</strong>. Whether you love taking to the road or soaring in the skies, you&#x2019;ll find the perfect blog ideas to share your travel know-how with other eager globetrotters.&#xA0;</p><h2 id="why-start-a-travel-blog">Why Start a Travel Blog?</h2><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1888" height="822" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1888w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Thinking of starting a blog? Travel blogging is one of the best blog niches you could choose. According to data from Statista, the online travel industry is thriving, with an estimated global market size of around $600 billion in 2023. That&#x2019;s also set to increase steadily over the next few years, reaching $800+ billion by 2028.&#xA0;</p><p>So, it&#x2019;s no surprise that travel blogs are highly popular. Research from RankIQ found that, out of all blog niches, travel blogs ranked third (10%) for the highest percentage of blogs with 50,000+ monthly sessions. Travel blogs are also ranked as the fourth highest-earning blog niche, bringing in a median monthly income of $5,000.</p><ul><li><a href="" rel="noreferrer"><strong>How to start a travel blog (and earn money with it)</strong></a></li></ul><h2 id="finding-the-right-travel-blog-ideas-for-you">Finding the Right Travel Blog Ideas for You</h2><p>Keep in mind that, thanks to the niche&#x2019;s popularity, travel blogging can quickly become saturated. In the study from RankIQ, out of all blog types, travel blogs were found to be the second most popular type for people to set up. In fact, they accounted for 18% of new blogs started in a 12-month period. As such, it&#x2019;s essential to choose the right travel blog ideas so your blog stands out from the crowd.&#xA0;</p><p>Ultimately, the best travel blog ideas will<strong> reflect your experiences and interests</strong>. If you&#x2019;re passionate about van life and traveling around the U.S., why write about the cheapest plane flights?</p><p>That&#x2019;s not to say you shouldn&#x2019;t also <strong>think about what&#x2019;s popular</strong>. Make sure there&#x2019;s an audience for your blog before you start writing. Start by checking out other blogs as well as platforms like <a href="">Whop</a>, and look for popular topics in <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>travel eBooks</u></a> and online communities.</p><p>You can also use platforms like Google Trends to see what people are searching for online.&#xA0;For example, Google Trends shows that interest in the search term &#x201C;solo travel&#x201D; has gradually increased since 2021, reaching a peak between June 30th and July 6th, 2024. That&#x2019;s useful for understanding the long-term interest in a blog niche as well as particular times the topic is popular.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1403" height="453" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1403w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Then <strong>do a little social investigating</strong> on Facebook, X, etc. What are the key topics and questions in your niche?&#xA0;</p><p>Once you&#x2019;ve decided on a travel blog idea, think about what makes you unique in that niche. Perhaps you&#x2019;re a jet-setter on a modest budget? Or maybe you manage a disability as you travel? Sharing your unique perspective and style is what will keep readers returning to your blog.&#xA0;</p><p>For example, consider solo female travel blogger The Blonde Abroad. Aside from her quirky blog name, Kiki&#x2019;s blog stands out thanks to its personal, journal-esque approach. Her &#x201C;About Me&#x201D; page features lush images of her travels accompanied by notes like &#x201C;My Happy Place&#x201D;. The website is set out like a scrapbook, and it&#x2019;s evocative of the memories solo travelers can make on their adventures.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1893" height="896" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1893w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><h2 id="105-travel-blog-niches-for-any-kind-of-traveler">105 Travel Blog Niches for Any Kind of Traveler</h2><p>Not sure which travel blog idea is right for you? That&#x2019;s natural. There are plenty of inspiring niches to choose from, and it can be hard to select just one.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>Generally speaking, though, you should <strong>aim to stick to one specific blog idea</strong>. Don&#x2019;t spread yourself too thin with every type of travel method and destination. Narrowing down your travel blog ideas helps you to build a real identity for your brand.&#xA0;</p><p>In some cases, you could <strong>combine a couple of ideas</strong> from this list into a hybrid blog. For example, family travel on a budget, or train travel in Japan. However, as mentioned above, you&#x2019;ll want to make sure you don&#x2019;t go too niche. <strong>Always do your market research</strong> and check there&#x2019;s a waiting audience for your content.&#xA0;</p><p>So, let&#x2019;s get stuck into the best travel blog ideas.&#xA0;</p><h3 id="blogs-for-travel-tips-and-ideas">Blogs for travel tips and ideas</h3><p>The best travel blog ideas don&#x2019;t have to be about an exotic location or a type of travel. They can simply focus on the travel hacks you&#x2019;ve learned over your years of jet-setting. Most people like to travel, but not everyone knows how to.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>According to data from McKinsey, 76% of Gen Z respondents reported feeling more interested in travel than before&#x2014;the highest of any generational group. So, there are plenty of young, new travelers embarking on global journeys. They&#x2019;ll naturally need advice and guidance from seasoned travelers, including in their own age bracket.&#xA0;</p><p>Beyond this, people of all ages are seeking travel guidance. This could be to make their trips more sustainable or cost-effective, or even to face fears about flying.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>For example, on the blog Travel Tips by Laurie, a pilot&#x2019;s wife Laurie shares her top tips and tricks based on 20 years of travel experience. She gives practical tips and advice on everything from packing to travel fashion.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1889" height="891" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1889w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Not sure what you want to advise travelers about? Below are some blog ideas to inspire you:</p><ol><li>Travel tips for beginners&#xA0;</li><li>Women&#x2019;s travel tips&#xA0;</li><li>Backpacking travel hacks&#xA0;</li><li>International travel tips&#xA0;</li><li>Solo travel advice for over 50s&#xA0;</li><li>Travel safety guidance&#xA0;</li><li>Budget travel tips&#xA0;</li><li>Tips and tricks for sustainable travel&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling tips for nervous flyers&#xA0;</li><li>Stress-reduction travel tips&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="travel-planning-blogs">Travel planning&#xA0;blogs</h3><p>Travel planning has become a hot topic, both for blogs and <a href="" rel="noreferrer"><u>digital products</u></a>. Just a quick search on Etsy brings up countless results for digital travel planners. These <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>templates for Notion</u></a>, Canva, Google Sheets, and more show how invested travelers are in their planning.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1916" height="624" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1916w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>According to data from CivicScience, 71% of adults in the U.S. who make travel arrangements find the process at least somewhat stressful. Travel blogs can help make the planning process simpler by demystifying processes, helping tourists pack, and setting out essential tasks.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>For example, the blog One Mile at a Time by Ben Schlappig focuses on airline miles and strategies for optimizing elite travel status. This blog also includes reviews of airlines and hotels as well as credit card tips for travel.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1890" height="697" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1890w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Relevant blog ideas should focus on specific topics throughout the travel planning process. Potential ideas include:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Arranging a passport&#xA0;</li><li>Travel visa blog&#xA0;</li><li>Packing for international travel&#xA0;</li><li>Outfit planning for travel&#xA0;</li><li>Hotel and Airbnb recommendations&#xA0;</li><li>Airline blogs&#xA0;</li><li>Travel itinerary planning&#xA0;</li><li>Travel insurance blog&#xA0;</li><li>Language basics for travel&#xA0;</li><li>Healthcare abroad&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="travel-budgeting">Travel budgeting&#xA0;</h3><p>Money is without a doubt one of the most important considerations for travelers. Data from Forbes Advisor showed that 75% of travelers planned to spend $2,000+ on travel expenses in 2024, with 48% intending to spend a minimum of $4,000. Whilst that can initially seem like a lot, it&#x2019;s quickly taken up with transportation and accommodation costs.&#xA0;</p><p>&#x201C;Travel budget&#x201D; is also a frequently searched term. Though it does taper off towards the end of the year, the term keeps a consistent search interest over time.&#xA0;&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1402" height="472" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1402w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>One leading travel budgeting blog is the aptly named Budget Traveller. Owned by Kash Bhattacharya, the blog covers all aspects of affordable travel. That includes everything from budget hotel reviews to cheap eats guides.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1898" height="899" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1898w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>When starting out, it&#x2019;s best to focus on a specific aspect of budget traveling. From savings on transportation to budgeting for eating out, there are lots of different niches to write about.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Travel budget planning&#xA0;</li><li>Affordable destinations around the world&#xA0;</li><li>Budget holiday dining&#xA0;</li><li>Hostel and cheap hotel reviews&#xA0;</li><li>Camping on a budget&#xA0;</li><li>Work exchange travel&#xA0;</li><li>Airline miles and deals&#xA0;</li><li>Travel credit cards&#xA0;</li><li>Free travel events and activities&#xA0;</li><li>Saving money for travel&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="travel-destinations">Travel destinations&#xA0;</h3><p>Before explorers can start packing, they need to have a destination in mind. From the breathtaking sights of the Himalayas to relaxing on sunny Spanish beaches, there are so many wonderful locations to choose from.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>According to data from IPX1031, American tourists had Japan and Mexico as the top non-domestic travel destinations on their go-to list. So, if you know your way around M&#xE9;rida or where to sample the best beef in Kobe, you&#x2019;ll have a ready and eager audience.&#xA0;</p><p>That&#x2019;s not to say you should just write whatever is popular. If you have a particular country or continent you love to return to, this is a great focus for your blog. You&#x2019;ll have insider tips for finding the best views and activities, inspiring cultural stories, and knowledge of tasty local cuisine.&#xA0;</p><p>On her blog, The Travelling Island Girl, travel content creator and transformative coach Riselle shares her experiences as a Caribbean Islander. Along with tips on solo travel and accommodation, she writes extensively about Caribbean destinations, from Aruba to St. Maarten. Her travel destination blog blends seamlessly with her <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>coaching business</u></a>, offering free resources along with paid retreats, coaching, and consultations.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1870" height="898" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1870w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Not sure where to write about? There are plenty of inspiring locations to set your sights on.&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Travel locations for first-time tourists&#xA0;</li><li>Safe travel locations for women&#xA0;</li><li>North America travel blog&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling through Africa blog&#xA0;</li><li>Travel destinations in Asia&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Sights of South America&#xA0;</li><li>Itinerary for Middle East travels&#xA0;</li><li>Best locations in the Caribbean&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>European travel blog&#xA0;</li><li>Visiting Oceania&#xA0;</li></ol><h4 id="us-travel-blog">U.S. travel blog&#xA0;&#xA0;</h4><p>The United States is one of the most popular destinations, both for domestic and overseas travel. Whether you want to write about a particular state or cross-country road trips, the U.S. offers a wealth of inspiring locations. From Miami beaches to New York lattes, the best travel blog ideas evoke exciting, sensory adventures.&#xA0;</p><p>One popular example is Loving New York, which features articles on everything from the best pizza in NY to current Broadway shows.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1894" height="787" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1894w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Here are some potential U.S. travel blog ideas to get you started:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Visiting movie locations across the U.S.&#xA0;</li><li>Best West Coast beach getaways&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Route 66 attractions&#xA0;</li><li>Off-the-beaten-track travel in the U.S.&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling to U.S. national parks&#xA0;</li></ol><h4 id="japan-travel-blog">Japan travel blog&#xA0;</h4><p>As mentioned, Japan is one of the top travel destinations for U.S. tourists. It&#x2019;s not hard to see why. Japan has a rich culture, with something to interest everyone. From the majesty of Edo Castle to the bright lights of Harajuku, the sights and sounds of Japan are a sensory wonderland.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>For example, the Ryokou Girl blog explores travel tips and itineraries for Japanese cities, including Osaka, Shikoku, and Kyushu.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1891" height="900" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1891w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Want to write about your travels in Japan? Here are some niche ideas to inspire you:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Traveling across Japan by rail&#xA0;</li><li>Onsen destinations blog&#xA0;</li><li>Sake-tasting travel blog&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Learning Japanese through travel&#xA0;</li><li>Rural travel in Japan&#xA0;</li></ol><h4 id="mexico-travel-blog">Mexico travel blog&#xA0;</h4><p>Another popular location for U.S. travelers is Mexico. Again, it&#x2019;s easy to see why this is such a beloved destination. Mexico has stunning beaches, delicious food, and an awe-inspiring history with the Mayan and Aztec cultures. If you love visiting&#xA0; Guadalajara, Mexico City, and Canc&#xFA;n, this is the travel blog idea for you.&#xA0;</p><p>One great example of a Mexico travel blog is Travel Mexico Solo. This combines two popular travel blog niches&#x2014;Mexico and female solo travel. As a resident of Mexico since 2018, blogger Shelley shares her expertise on Mexico travel tips, destinations, and more.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1877" height="754" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1877w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Check out these ideas for starting your own Mexican travel blog:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Mexico arts and culture guide&#xA0;</li><li>Luxury Mexican hotels&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling to Mexico&#x2019;s cenotes&#xA0;</li><li>Beach holidays in Mexico&#xA0;</li><li>Food tours across Mexico&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="lifestyle-travel-blogs">Lifestyle travel blogs</h3><p>We all travel differently. The decisions we make on our travels&#x2014;from what we pack to where we go&#x2014;all depend on our lifestyle. Traveling as a couple is very different from traveling with your kids. Many travel bloggers have found their niche by sharing their personal experiences of travel.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>According to a survey from the Family Travel Association, 81% of parents were likely or very likely to travel with their children in the following 12 months. Plus, lifestyle and &#x201C;mommy&#x201D; blogs are the second most high-traffic niche. They&#x2019;re also one of the highest earners, bringing in a median monthly income of $5,174. So, there&#x2019;s a clear audience for this kind of travel content.&#xA0;</p><p>Outside of family travel, there are plenty of other lifestyle niches to choose from. Cory Lee has a blog named &apos;Curb Free with Cory Lee&apos;, where he provides tips, guides, and recommendations for disabled travelers. His guides to accessible activities and locations help to open travel to everyone.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1888" height="906" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1888w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>If you want to start a lifestyle travel blog, then check out the ideas below:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Family travel blog&#xA0;</li><li>Single parent travel&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling with toddlers&#xA0;</li><li>Couples&#x2019; travel&#xA0;</li><li>Women&#x2019;s travel&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling for divorcees&#xA0;</li><li>LGBTQ+ travel&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling with disabilities&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Student travel&#xA0;</li><li>Lone traveler&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="holiday-and-seasonal-travel">Holiday and seasonal travel&#xA0;</h3><p>Some months are perfect for getting out your suitcase and going traveling. Of course, this depends on the destination and the type of trip you&#x2019;re hoping for. Summer tends to be the most popular time for travel. But for cheaper holidays, people look for off-season trips.</p><p>Beyond this, traveling during the winter holiday season is also popular. That could be to spend time with family or enjoy the snowy weather in new locations. Last Christmas, the American Automobile Association (AAA) predicted that 115.2 million Americans would travel within the U.S. during the 10-day year-end holiday season. Christmas travel is a popular topic with travel bloggers, particularly European Christmas markets, like in this post from Abroad with Ash:&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1892" height="794" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1892w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>It&#x2019;s important to remember that seasonal travel blog ideas are just that&#x2014;seasonal. If you want to <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>blog for business</u></a>, you&#x2019;ll need to incorporate ideas that web users will be searching for all year round. Potential travel blog ideas in this niche include:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Romantic holiday getaways&#xA0;</li><li>Christmas holiday destinations&#xA0;</li><li>Summer beach holidays&#xA0;</li><li>Autumnal travel locations&#xA0;</li><li>Traveling in the school holidays</li><li>Spring break travel blog&#xA0;</li><li>Wintery destinations blog&#xA0;</li><li>Spooky travels for Halloween&#xA0;</li><li>Evergreen holiday destinations&#xA0;</li><li>Quiet seasonal breaks&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="travel-transportation-blog">Travel transportation blog&#xA0;</h3><p>&#x201C;It&#x2019;s not what you do, it&#x2019;s the way you do it.&#x201D; That&#x2019;s true for travel too. Many travelers have their favorite mode of transportation. If you&#x2019;re working on a tight budget, you might prefer cheap flights, whilst if you&#x2019;re looking for a relaxing getaway, cruises might be your top choice.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>Data from Statista forecasts that the number of flights performed worldwide in 2024 will reach a whopping 40.1 million. But that&#x2019;s not the only popular form of travel. In 2023, the number of global passenger train users hit around 970 million, whilst ocean cruise passengers reached 31.7 million.&#xA0;</p><p>There&#x2019;s plenty to write about the journeys themselves too. Train journeys through England, Switzerland, Japan, and other countries are known for their beautiful scenery. Cruise ships offer exciting entertainment, from waterparks to cinemas. That&#x2019;s not to mention the rise in popularity of road trips and van life blogs!&#xA0;</p><p>The Wandering Bird blog features guides and advice on motorhome travel, along with road trip tips and destinations.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1914" height="819" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1914w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Want to spread the word about inexpensive or unique transport? There are a variety of blog ideas to interest travelers.&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Train getaways in _&#xA0;</li><li>Sleeper trains&#xA0;</li><li>Business class travel&#xA0;</li><li>Airplane reviews blog&#xA0;</li><li>Luxury airplanes&#xA0;</li><li>Ocean and fjord cruises&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Road trip blog&#xA0;</li><li>RV and van life&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Ferry trips and water taxis&#xA0;</li><li>Bus and coach travel&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="food-and-drink-travel-blog">Food and drink travel blog&#xA0;</h3><p>Travel isn&#x2019;t just about location. For many globetrotters, local food and drink puts the cherry on top of the travel sundae. From visiting the vineyards of France to tasting comforting githeri in Kenya, food conjures evocative tastes and smells.</p><p>Naturally, many blog readers want to know the best places to try local cuisine. Again, different types of travelers will have varying tastes. Parents will be looking for family-friendly eateries, whilst seasoned travelers will want to visit the most authentic venues.</p><p>The global food and drink industry is booming, predicted by Statista to reach $2.72 billion this year. That&#x2019;s only set to increase, with estimates for 2029 reaching $4.32 billion. That interest carries over into the blogging sphere. Food blogs have the most high-traffic blogs of any niche. In fact, according to RankIQ, 42.8% of all high-traffic blogs focus on food. It also has the highest median monthly income, at a staggering $9,169. When you couple this with travel blogging&#x2019;s position as the fourth-highest median monthly income for blogs, it&#x2019;s clear this is a lucrative niche.&#xA0;</p><p>There are many creative ways to blend travel and food blogging. For example, The Travel Bite blog features articles on food tours, culinary-themed itineraries, food and drink festivals, and much more.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1892" height="785" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1892w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Foodie travel blog ideas include:&#xA0;</p><ol><li>Food tours in _&#xA0;</li><li>Restaurant review blog&#xA0;</li><li>Local breweries in _&#xA0;</li><li>Wine travel blog&#xA0;</li><li>Dessert and travel blog</li><li>Coffee shop reviews&#xA0;</li><li>Travel and recipes&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li>Best bars in _&#xA0;</li><li>Culinary specialties in _&#xA0;</li><li>Food market reviews&#xA0;</li></ol><h3 id="digital-nomad-travel">Digital nomad travel&#xA0;</h3><p>Just because you&#x2019;re traveling doesn&#x2019;t mean you can&#x2019;t be productive. In fact, stunning beaches and landscapes make for inspiring offices. That&#x2019;s certainly reflected in the rise of digital nomads. This term refers to people who travel whilst working remotely on the internet. Currently, it&#x2019;s estimated there are around 40+ million digital nomads across the globe. That&#x2019;s set to reach about 60 million by 2030.&#xA0;</p><p>As digital nomads work online, they can do their work from pretty much anywhere. That includes a nearby coffee shop or a distant beach on another continent. They can even work on the road if they like.&#xA0;</p><p>Does that sound appealing? If so, why not create a blog about your travels? Digital nomad blogs are increasing in popularity, as more people want to embark on this new lifestyle.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><p>The blog Digital Nomad covers the best destinations for nomadic workers, with details of co-working spaces, accommodation, and more.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1896" height="907" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1896w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Looking for the best travel blog ideas for digital nomads? There are plenty of great sub-niches to help you stand out from the crowd:</p><ol><li>Working on the go&#xA0;</li><li>Best accommodation for digital nomads&#xA0;</li><li>Saving money as a digital nomad&#xA0;</li><li>Co-working space reviews&#xA0;</li><li>Finding digital work abroad&#xA0;</li><li>Destination recommendations for nomadic workers&#xA0;</li><li>Workation blogs&#xA0;</li><li>Visa blog for digital nomads&#xA0;</li><li>Work/life balance for digital nomads&#xA0;</li><li>Digital nomad lifestyle blog&#xA0;</li></ol><ul><li><a href="" rel="noreferrer"><strong>How to generate income as a digital nomad</strong></a></li></ul><h2 id="monetizing-your-travel-blog">Monetizing Your Travel Blog</h2><p>Whilst travel blogging is inspiring as a hobby, it&#x2019;s also a great money-maker. If you&#x2019;d like to take your blog to the next level and start earning, here&#x2019;s what you&#x2019;ll need to do next.&#xA0;</p><h3 id="choose-how-to-monetize-your-travel-blog">Choose how to monetize your travel blog&#xA0;</h3><p>There are several different methods for monetizing a travel blog. Some are more well-known than others.&#xA0;</p><ul><li><strong>Paid advertising:</strong> You can make money by linking up with an online ads network and displaying ads on your website. The more impressions the ads receive, the more money you&#x2019;ll make.&#xA0;</li><li><strong>Affiliate marketing: </strong>Join an <a href="" rel="noreferrer">affiliate marketing program</a>, then include affiliate links to the products in relevant blog posts. When your readers buy a product through those links, you&#x2019;ll earn a commission.&#xA0;</li><li><strong>Travel coaching: </strong>Offer <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>online coaching</u></a> sessions to help travelers to make the most of their global journeys, and even transform their lives through travel.&#xA0;</li><li><strong>Travel community membership: </strong>Online travel communities help travelers connect and share tips, destinations, and experiences. With platforms like Whop, you can set up free and <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>paid membership</u></a> tiers, so members pay for different levels of access.&#xA0;&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li><strong>Digital guides: </strong>Have an idea for a New York travel itinerary? Or perhaps you know insider tips and tricks for international travel? Create guides, PDFs, and more, then sell them as <a href="" rel="noreferrer">digital products on an ecommerce platform</a>.&#xA0;</li><li><strong>Sponsored content:</strong> Brands will sometimes pay a set fee for you to feature their products in a blog post. This usually needs to include a review, the product name, and a nofollow link to the business&#x2019; website.&#xA0;&#xA0;</li><li><strong>Online courses and workshops:</strong> Although readers can learn through your blog, some will prefer a more structured medium. From short workshops on travel budgeting to lengthy language courses, <a href="" rel="noreferrer">selling online courses</a> is a fantastic passive income stream.&#xA0;&#xA0;&#xA0;</li></ul><p>On the Whop marketplace, <a href="" rel="noreferrer"><u>Girl Boss Abroad</u></a> offers a free online community supporting women to become digital nomads. Along with this free offering, GBA also provides a paid digital nomad course, newsletter, community calls, and more.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1892" height="752" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1892w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><h3 id="share-meaningful-content">Share meaningful content&#xA0;</h3><p>Naturally, the most important aspect of your blog is the content. According to Social Media Today, 77% of internet users read blogs. That&#x2019;s a huge audience to tap into. However, your content needs to provide value for readers.&#xA0;</p><p>Whilst there are AI tools to assist your blog writing, don&#x2019;t be tempted to rely on them. In the travel niche, readers are looking for authentic travel experiences. They want to know how locations inspired you, the different flavors you sampled, the activities you enjoyed&#x2014;and what you didn&#x2019;t like too! Generic content is more likely to turn them away.&#xA0;</p><p>Make sure you&#x2019;re also optimizing your content for SEO. Look for trending topics on Google Trends, or use UberSuggest or Google Keyword Planner to find popular keywords. Incorporate keyphrases in relevant blog posts to help give them a boost in search rankings.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1899" height="726" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1899w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Don&#x2019;t overdo it, though; keyword stuffing can have a detrimental effect on your rankings. Only include the terms where relevant. Focus on creating content that&#x2019;s informative and entertaining.&#xA0;</p><h3 id="promote-your-blog">Promote your blog&#xA0;</h3><p>Aside from SEO, there are other ways to share your content with the world. Make sure to share your travel blogs on social media. If you&#x2019;ve already built a following on X, Facebook, TikTok, or another platform, this is the best place to share. You can also share across multiple platforms to gain the widest reach.&#xA0;</p><p>For example, travel blogger Nomadic Matt shares on Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok. His Instagram account has a whopping 150,000 followers. On this account, Matt shares images and videos about his travels, mini travel guides, travel memes, and quotes from his X account. The video/image-heavy content is specifically geared towards Instagram.&#xA0;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1900" height="829" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1900w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>In contrast to his Instagram, Nomadic Matt&#x2019;s Facebook page focuses more on sharing relevant articles, including his blog content. Make sure the content that you share is tailored to each platform and its audience.</p><p>Another way to promote your travel blog is through an online community. As mentioned above, these are digital spaces where travelers can connect with one another. With Whop, you can link up your Discord or Telegram community, or create your own community hosted right in <a href="" rel="noreferrer">your whop</a>. These can be completely free for members&#x2014;or you can offer paid memberships as well.</p><p>For example, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><u>Travelcraft</u></a> has a free tier for limited travel planning, and then a complete paid monthly subscription. They offer both a native forum and Discord access.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1896" height="654" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1896w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>You can also collaborate with influencers and other content creators via affiliate marketing. Through an affiliate program, creators can include affiliate links to your products. They&#x2019;ll then receive a commission each time someone purchases through that link.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><h2 id="meet-whop-the-easiest-way-to-monetize-your-travel-blog">Meet Whop, The Easiest Way to Monetize Your Travel Blog</h2><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="The 105 Best Travel Blog Ideas for Every Kind of Traveler" loading="lazy" width="1895" height="653" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1895w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>So, now you&#x2019;ve got some great travel blog ideas, it&#x2019;s time to start writing. Whether you&#x2019;re trekking up Snowdonia or sipping cosmopolitans in Ibiza, sharing your travel experiences is thrilling. But what if you could also make money from it?&#xA0;</p><p>That&#x2019;s where Whop comes in. With Whop, you can sell access to all things digital.&#xA0;&#xA0;</p><ul><li>Have an idea for a weekend getaway itinerary in Prague? Sell it on Whop.&#xA0;</li><li>Fancy offering travel coaching sessions for first-time jet-setters? Sell it on Whop.&#xA0;</li><li>Want to build a thriving community to share travel tips and advice? Sell it on Whop.&#xA0;</li></ul><p>Whop provides all the tools you need to sell digital products along with a built-in course creator and community builder, so you can build, sell, and promote travel guides, courses, webinars, community access, ebooks and more - all on the same platform.&#xA0;</p><p>And that&#x2019;s all without an expensive monthly subscription fee. At Whop, you&#x2019;ll only pay a 3% transaction fee when you make a sale, perfect for on-the-go free spirits and digital nomads.</p><p><strong>Take the first step to your dream travel business today by creating your own Whop.</strong></p><div class="kg-card kg-button-card kg-align-left"><a href="" class="kg-btn kg-btn-accent">Create Your Whop</a></div>]]></content:encoded></item>

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